“And what does the
Lord require of you?”

About Us

Hi!  We’re the Schmidt’s…

…a family of northern hillbillies who moved south…WAY south. 

For 16 years, we lived in the densely forested and extremely cold wilds of Minnesota, right up by the Canadian border. Now, we live on a remote island, off the Caribbean coast of Panama. Why? Because we felt called to go & serve the Ngäbe in Christ’s name. 

It was so simple in theory and has been so complicated in practice. 

But it has been and always will be worth it. 

Andy is a vegetable a farmer by profession and passion.  Our vision was to start a farm that could share the love of Christ by helping to address some of the crippling food insecurity and malnutrition needs among the indigenous Ngäbe of the area. 

But God’s plan has been different than ours!..so we’ve been busy serving in other ways. (You can read more about that here & here).  But farming is still a vision we’d love to see brought to life.  In fact, we believe it is a vision being brought to life…just in really slow motion.  We are literally planting seeds every day, in our spare time, trusting that God, in His perfect timing, will grow our vision into a reality. 

And in the meantime, He has allowed us the privilege of planting many relational seeds…how blessed we are by our Ngäbe friends and neighbors! It is truly a privilege to walk alongside them.  It’s been a winding, imperfect path but we know it’s the right one. So we pray always that we might be given the grace to love as Christ loves, the ability to help however we can, and the humor to laugh as often as possible.  

“And what does the Lord require of you?  But to do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8

Last image shot at Aro Ha