A single-bulb turns
the darkness into light.

Solar Ministry

Ngäbe villages are remote. No roads, no cars, no stores. Their villages are small islands surrounded by a vast ocean and when it’s dark, it’s dark. 

Andy tells a story about spending the night in one of these villages: 

“It was 7pm and I sat in a family’s home, squinting through the darkness to watch the mother cook dinner.  It was almost completely dark.  Her kids were hunched over their school books, writing math facts in the fading light. We ate the meal in darkness, enjoying conversation but not able to see each other’s faces. Later, roused from restless sleep in my hammock by a barking dog, I stumbled toward the door to go to the bathroom. Had it not been for God’s hand, I would have fallen right through the gaping hole in the floor that I couldn’t see.” 

That night, as I lay back down in my hammock, my heart still racing with adrenalin, I decided I want to do something.  Not for my sake, but for theirs. I love having lights in my house…for convenience, for my kids to study by, for the joy of seeing my wife’s face, for the safety of my family. I wanted those things for the Ngäbe, too.

Since that day, I’ve installed simple 12 volt solar systems into 30 village homes, two village churches and one school.  That is only scratching the surface of need. But, these places now have lights.  Nothing fancy, nothing extravagant. But that’s not what we’re going for. A single-bulb can turn the darkness into light. 

It has been a privilege to do this work, sharing, as I go, about Jesus, the light of the world.  “Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12

If you would like to purchase a portion of a solar system for a Ngäbe home, church or school, we would love to talk with you.  Please contact us here. 

Last image shot at Aro Ha